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Protecting Your Business // Tips for New Entrepreneurs [FREE WEBINAR]

  • Webinar (Online Only) (map)

Entrepreneurs learn, create, grow and, hopefully, make money in their businesses, but they don't always take the time to think through the complexities of starting and protecting their businesses. 

Join Kimberly Bennett, of K Bennett Law LLC, for a discussion on the legal and business issues related to entrepreneurship and protecting a business.

This webinar series will benefit those who are thinking of starting a business, are a partner in a business and want to solidify their business relationship, are entrepreneurs looking to protect their intellectual property, are owners looking to make their first hire or grow a team, and are individuals that just want to learn how to improve their business.

The Protecting Your Business Webinar Series includes:

  1. Tips for New Entrepreneurs
  2. Choosing a Business Structure
  3. Let's Talk Trademarks
  4. Dos & Don'ts on Growing a Team